Tonight we had quite a scare! Kathy called Robbie this evening to tell us that their house was on fire. I was so scared for them. My brain went through the scenarios and I thought how in the world will I be able to help. But I went out anyway, it turns out the furnace had caught on fire. Sterling had already taken care of the fire. The smoke and chemicals were very strong throughout the house. As we tried to figure out what had happened I realized how blessed we all were. The only things that were really damaged were a few dozen cookies (now I am a little upset about that) and the furnace. Kathy and Sterling will still have heat. They have a woodstove and several little fireplace type heaters. I just wanted to remind you each this year to hold your loved ones close and remember God will take care of you. You only have to trust him.

He replied, ” If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey.

Luke 17:6

Scripture for Today

Redeemer's Church