Colossians 3:13

Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you much forgive others.

Okay, I don’t know about you but this is like getting a punch to the gut, isn’t it? I read this and thought how many times has my husband done something and I am instantly offended.

When Robbie and I were still in the newly wed stage of marriage, I remember we were in the kitchen and I was pregnant (as you can imagine big as a house) and Robbie was looking at a picture of me from our wedding. He said to me, “You sure made a beautiful bride.” Well instantly the tears began to fall. Now, he didn’t say anything wrong but what I heard was “Man you are huge and not near as pretty as the day we got married.” Now I forgave him pretty quickly and every now and again he will say, “You sure made a beautiful bride,” in jest and we laugh about it. If I wouldn’t have forgiven him and every time we argued I brought it up I wouldn’t be following what Jesus laid out for me to do.

My prayer and well challenge for God to soften our hearts toward those who have wronged us. And for us to have compassion for people who may offend us. Amen!

Scripture for today

Redeemer's Church