Luke 23:34

Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” And the soldiers gambled for his clothes by throwing dice.

So Hunter recently had a birthday. We got him some Air Soft guns he had seen. Well the three boys were running rampant through the house when Jackson of course come out screaming like he had just been shot. Oh, wait a minute he had been. Apparently, Hunter didn’t realize that the gun still had a bullet in it, and didn’t even aim it at Jackson. But it ricocheted and hit Jackson in the back. Now Jackson wasn’t hurt badly. Barely had a red mark. Hunter was not the least bit bothered by it and my first thought was “maybe I should shoot him in the back”. You know Old Testament style. Then I got to thinking about what Jesus would do. Jesus was literally hanging on the cross and said “Forgive them they know not what they do.” Hunter had no idea that the gun was loaded (thank heavens it wasn’t a real gun). He was only trying to have some fun. I thought if Jesus can forgive the Romans for killing him then surely Jackson can forgive Hunter for shooting him with a Air Soft gun. So, we explained that the boys should always practice gun safety, Jack forgave Hunter, and all was right and good with the world at least in our house it was!

Scripture for Today

Redeemer's Church